A Member of Advisory Services Network, LLC

Welcome 2025! For important tax items, see bolded dates. All other dates are for your edification and our amusement. Have a great year & don't forget to call us for your free mid-year tax appointment in June!
1 Happy New Year! We can’t wait to see you in the next few months!
2 This will be Lana’s last tax season. We think she just wants out of the house…
10 Welcome back our returning staff! Donna, Ashley & Judy. Thanks for joining us again!
15 Last 2024 Estimated Tax payment is due
16 Nothing Day. We can enjoy it while it lasts…
20 Inauguration Day. New Administration brings new rules. No matter which side of the aisle you are, we will be watching for changes that help you!!
26 Eagles still in the hunt! Keep those gambling receipts. Losses may be deductible!
27 First day the IRS accepts 2024 tax returns
28 Please welcome our new seasonal staff: Stephanie, Dawn & Kimberly
29 National Puzzle Day. Your taxes are not a puzzle to Apex!!
30 Training Day with Kerri. So many directions to go…
31 W2s, 1099INT & DIV must be in the mail
2 Groundhog Day! I got you babe…
5 I wonder when we will hear “Movin Out” on the Billy Joel Channel??
9 Super Bowl!! E A G L E S EAGLES!!!!
14 Valentines Day. Why didn’t you remind us Lana??!! You know we didn’t remember…again!
15 1099B’s must be mailed. You may need to wait for the amended one…
22 Baseball Spring Training begins. 45th anniversary of the 1980 World Series Champs. Go Phils!
7 National Employee Appreciation Day. Something always nice…
9 Daylight Savings begins! It won’t matter to Apex. It will still be dark when we leave…Time to change your smoke detector batteries!
16 March Madness begins! We have been there for a month!
17 Partnerships, LLC’s and S-Corps must be filed. K-1’s must be mailed (good luck!!)
That is not right it is on St. Patrick’s Day…no green beer for business owners!
20 Spring is here!
27 Baseball Opening Day!
1 April Fool’s Day. I am wondering who should be scared this year…
4 NCAA Basketball Final. Please let us know who won…and who was playing!
8 Sorry Charlie Day! This is the last day we will accept documents for 2025. If we do not have them, please pick up your information and go to H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt or Liberty Tax!
15 1040’s must be filed. Extensions do NOT give you more time to pay. And Apex will not file extensions! Tax season ended today and we will be celebrating!!
1st 2025 Estimated tax payment is due.
16-18 Apex will be closed to recharge this week.
17 Maine (storms and flooding) and Massachusetts (Patriot Day) Federal and State tax returns are due
19 NHL & NBA have begun playoffs. Flyers and Sixer’s?? Rebuilding and growing pains.
21-30 We will have limited hours (10-2) until May.
1 Apex is back in the office full time. Get your mid-year appointment scheduled!!
3 Kentucky Derby Day! Big hats and a Mint Julep required!
5 Cinco de Mayo! Margarita time!!
11 Mother’s Day. Make sure you are good to Mom!!
20 Be a Millionaire Day. That’s why Apex is here!
24 Scavenger hunt Day. Where is that folder again…?
26 Memorial Day. The summer beach season begins. Wear your sunscreen!
31 We miss you Lani!
14 Bourbon Day. Just testing…
15 Father’s Day. Just another day…
16 2nd 2025 Estimated Tax payment is due.
20 Summer is here. Wear your sunscreen!
1 2025 is half over. Still plenty of time to make a great 2025! Call Apex for your mid-year review!
2 I Forgot Day. Lots of options…
4 Happy Birthday America!!
17 World Emoji Day. Make it $$$ and moneybags at Apex!
31 Those of you with a small business retirement account over $250,000 must file an IRS 5500 by today!
1 It’s National Insurance Month. Call Apex to make sure your family is protected!
5 Work like A Dog Day. That was the first quarter…
25 Retirement Day for Lana! For 15 years we have been through everything an office can go through. You have brought us so much joy…for about 7 years! It has been a pleasure working with you! We will miss you!!
1 Labor Day. Official end of summer. Don’t let it happen to you!!
8 Where are all the Amazon packages?? Oh that’s right…Lana retired!
10 Swap Ideas Day. The perfect day to review things with Apex!
15 3rd 2025 Estimated Tax payment is due.
22 Fall is here. Pumpkin everything!!
24 Punctuation Day. Not for Millennials!
28 Baseballs last game before playoffs. Go Phils!!
Ask a stupid question day. There are no stupid questions at Apex…unless Kerri asks them…
1 Last quarter in 2025. Don’t delay! Call Apex while there is still time for a better 2025!
4-5 Beach Haven Chowder Cookoff weekend (formerly Chowderfest). Way too much fun!!
15 Extensions are due. Apex will not have to worry about this!!
16 National Boss’s Day. Well?? Anyone??
31 Happy Halloween! Bill has a reason to visit Salem MA!! Don’t fear your finances! Call Apex!!
2 Daylight Savings ends. Fall back for another hour. We could have used it in March!
10 Forget Me Not Day. Don’t forget that Apex can help your year end smoothly. Call us!
15 Clean Your Refrigerator Day…or buy a new one…
27 Thanksgiving. We are truly thankful for our clients, families and friends. Order can be adjustable…
1 Final month to reduce your 2025 taxes! Call Apex!!
2 Required minimum Distributions should be completed to guarantee you will not get a 50% penalty!!
6 Microwave Oven Day. Kerri and Nick have ALWAYS had a microwave…
14-27 Hanukkah. Enjoy the 8 day Festival of Lights
21 Winter is here. Boo! The bones feel it!
23 Festivus…for the rest of us!
25 Christmas
31 New Years Eve. Stay safe!!
1 Happy New Year!! Welcome 2026!
15 4th 2025 Estimated Tax payment is due.
And the cycle continues…